+Digging the Ground – Malin Harff
< Back to Others Works june 2022 – Erbertplatz, Köln Konzept und Choreographie: Malin HarffPerformance und Gesang: Vivien Kovarbasic, Maria Sauerland, Miriam Arnold, Amanda RomeroDramaturgie :Vivien Kovarbasic, Maria Sauerland, Miriam Arnold, Amanda RomeroSound Design: Joel JaffeKostümbild: Dorothea MinesStimmcoach: Anna StijohannProduktionsleitung: Wayne GoetzFilm und Design: Ramin Aryaie Was bleibt 77 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg? Nicht-Sprechen, […]
+Momentum Xsamples – Rafaële Giovanola
< Back to Others Works september 2016 – ZZT Colognefebruary 2018 – Impact Zone, HfMT Colognemarch 2018 – Biennale Tanzausbildung, HAU Berlin Performers: Cheng Cheng Hu, Anna Kempin, Anne-Lene Nölder, Greta Salgado, Mare-Bue Sahiti, Marlyse Muller, Jimin Seo, Mihyun Ko, Amanda Romero This performance came out of a student project in 2016 recreating the piece […]
+ Ein Hungerkünstler Nach Franz Kafka von Zafer Tursun
< Back to Others Works A little game about eating, being eaten and seeing and being seen – according to Franz Kafka’s story A Hunger Artist. february 2020 – Niehler Freiheit, Cologne https://www.facebook.com/events/205023254014793/tba 2020 – MEKASUBA Alte Feuerwache, Cologne https://altefeuerwachekoeln.de/2020/02/02/mekasuba/ Photos by Lothar Saßerath
+ WITCHES by Ursina Tossi
< Back to Others Works Since the Middle Ages, the figure of the witch appears extremely ambilvalent: stigmatized as a heretic, as sexually deviant and being with the devil, she was released in the transition to capitalism to persecution. At the same time, she is regarded as the guardian of knowledge about reproduction and healing […]
+ REVENANTS by Ursina Tossi
Performers: Rachell Bo Clark, Julia B. Laperrière, Amanda Romero, Leah Marojevic, Rose Lindstroem In times of crisis, monsters come to light, archetypal figures, chimeras, revengeists – the undead. Their cultural existence feeds from the lives of those who disappeared without a trace, the forgotten ones – restless creatures without voice. If history remembers the winners […]